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Eliminacje Mistrzostw Świata 2015

Zarząd Główny Stowarzyszenia Polskich Barmanów informuje iż ze wzgłędów organizacyjnych konkurs "Eliminacje Mistrzostw Świata 2015" odbędzie się w terminie 13 lipca 2015.

Szczegóły zostana opublikowane na stronach SPB oraz profilu Facebook .

Proszę o zapoznanie się z treścią listu Sekretarza Generalnego IBA p. Declana Byrne który otrzymałem dnia 15.05.2015.

Miejsce zawodów eliminacyjnych:

"Casinos Poland " Łódż ul.Ogrodowa 19 A  
Regulamin konkursu, formularz zgłoszeniowy, portfolio produktów oraz produkt bazowy ukaża się na stronach www.spb-pba.org.pl najpózniej do 10.06.2015.

z barmańskim pozdrowieniem
Ryszard Berent

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Dear IBA Council Member,

On behalf of the President and board, I would like to apologise for the delay in carrying out the draw for partners for the World Cocktail Championships in Bulgaria this year.

We are currently waiting for a couple of our IBA associate members to decide their sponsorship package before the draw can take place. As these high profile brands have been supporters of the IBA for many years, the board would like to facilitate them as much as we possibly can. However, they have been informed that the absolute deadline to be included in the draw is 31st May 2015. The draw will take place on Monday 1st June 2015 and you will be notified within 24 hours of the draw results.

Accordingly, we have extended the deadline for receiving your competitors cocktail recipes for the WCC in Bulgaria to August 15, 2015.
May I take this opportunity to remind all council members that proposals for inclusion on the agenda of this years annual general meeting must be received by the IBA Secretary three months before the meeting (July 11, 2015). This is in compliance with IBA Rules & Regulations, Rule 6.4.3.
I would like to thank you for your co-operation and understanding.

Secretary Declan Byme